Bluecoat Aspley Academy has a stable, annual careers programme, enabling students to learn about the opportunities available to them as well as experiencing the world of work and learning from local careers events.
This programme is reviewed regularly in order to ensure that it meets the needs of all our students. An overview is provided below.
Year 7
Broadening Horizons
Key aim:
To determine student motivations, skills and aspirations by exploring a range of inspirational pathways.
• Introduction to the online UNIFROG profile in order to explore interests, qualities and skills.
• What is your dream career?
• Introduction to range of future pathways.
• Introduction and early development of key employability skills.
• Team building Drop Down Day.
• STEM related activity day.
Year 8
My Future, my choice
Key aim:
To explore future pathways and prepare for KS4 options.
• Introduction to Level 2 qualifications in preparation for key stage 4 options.
• Early development of their careers journeys.
• Introduction to enterprise skills.
• Use of the UNIFROG platform to support effective decision-making and explore future pathways.
Year 9
Opening Doors
Key aim:
To consider careers across a range of sectors how these link with post 16 education and apprenticeships.
• The local labour market information and the changing world of work.
• An in-depth look at apprenticeships.
• Continued use of the UNIFROG website, linking job searches to Labour Market Information.
• Visiting speakers from different industries.
• IntoUniversity & Ambition Nottingham.
Year 10
Preparing for the world of work
Key aim:
To develop employability skills (including CV, interview, application skills) and engage with local employers and education providers.
• Use of UNIFROG to develop careers action plans.
• Preparation for work experience week including applying to different employers.
• Development of CV’s, covering letters, applications and interview skills.
• Further opportunities to meet local employers, training providers and higher education colleges <br>during the Archway Careers Fair.
• IntoUniversity & Ambition Nottingham.<br>
Year 11
Education beyond GCSE
Key aim:
To ensure all students have a plan for post 16 through consolidation of the range of pathways available.
• Opportunities for local employers, training providers and higher education colleges during the careers fair.
• Pastoral events and key stage 4 curriculum activities, including an apprenticeship assembly.
• Opportunity for 1:1 careers advice and guidance interview with a level 6 careers advisor.
• Careers action plans provided.
• Support with applications for post-16 destinations.
• Continued use of the UNIFROG website.
• IntoUniversity & Ambition Nottingham.
Year 12 and 13
Key aim:
To prepare students for university, apprenticeships and employment
Encounters with local employers, training providers and higher education colleges during the Archway Careers Fair, pastoral events and key stage 5 curriculum activities.
- The HE+ Programme
- University Visits
- UCAS Higher Education Exhibition
- Summer Schools (Sutton Trust & Social Mobility Foundation)
- University Masterclasses & Taster Days
- Competitive Admissions Programme
- Work Experience Week
- Talk the Talk
- Alumni encounters
- Into University
- Career of the Week
- Unifrog PSHE and Careers activities