Homework and homework support
Homework is an important part of our school curriculum and the learning process, active engagement with home learning is closely linked with student success and achievement.
Prepare and review booklets
The links to the prepare and review booklets are below for each Year Group:
Spring 1 2025
Pupils in all year groups, 7-13, are given prepare and review booklets each half term. These contain the knowledge that pupils need for their subjects that half term. Plus it shows two types of homework that pupils will use the Prepare and review booklets for, these are prepare activities which get pupils ready to learn in lesson and review activities that allow pupils to go back over work that they have already done in lesson and this helps to embed into their long term memory. Please see below for more detail.
This homework is set to prepare pupils so that they come to lesson with pre-knowledge and they can build on this knowledge quicker. Prepare homework can be learning key words, reading a text, labeling a diagram, watching a video or a whole host of other activities that will activate the pupil’s knowledge before the lesson.
This homework allows pupils to review learning from previous weeks, months or years so that this supports pupils with building stronger learning and recall of key knowledge. The homework that is set to review understanding will allow pupils to build revision skills and prepares them for retrieval in lesson, rolling recall quizzes, end of half term quizzes and the formal assessment points.
Year 11 have prepare and review mats in subjects which continue to teach new content. In subjects where all content has been covered in Year 10, students will have prepare tasks set on Go4Schools.
Please see the link for the revision website for access to revision materials for year 7-13
As pupils move into year 9 and onwards they may be given coursework as homework. Some coursework is controlled assessed and can only be completed in lesson, but some requires preparation at home.
All homework will be put onto Go4Schools as well as appearing in the prepare and review booklets.
Homework support
After school Monday to Friday from 3-4pm we have homework club. There is a year 7 and 8 room and a year 9-11 room where pupils can use computers and printers. The homework club can be found in two rooms up near the library and are looked after by heads of year and other staff that can support with homework. Pupils can just pop in to print a sheet if they do not have a printer at home. Pupils can also access the library after school to use the computers or access the books.
Year 12 and 13 have their own computer room that they can used during study periods and after school for completing homework and independent study. There is support in the 6th form study area for pupils to access if they need it.
What happens if homework is not complete?
Homework set is always given at least 24 hours or longer to complete it. The date and expectations of completion will be made clear to students so that they know when to hand the work in, what they need to do and how to hand it. If pupils do not hand homework in they will need to attend homework club after school for 60 minutes. Parents will be sent a text to let them know that their son/daughter will be staying after school to support them with homework.
Year 7 and Year 8
The homework from prepare and review booklets will be around 30-45minutes per subject maximum per week. Every week pupils will receive Sparx maths homework and Bedrock Vocabulary homework for 45 mins.
Year 9, Year 10 and Year 11
The homework from prepare and review booklets for year 9 and 10 will be up to 45-60 minutes, this will include Sparx maths homework and Bedrock Vocabulary homework for 45 mins.
Year 11 will be set revision activities 45-60 minutes in length.
Year 12 and Year 13
Each subject will set up to 5 hours per subject per week. This is completed at home and in study periods. There will be activities set from their prepare and review mats, reading and revision.