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Student Leadership: Latest News

The Church of England National Conference

We were extremely excited to be a part of the National Conference in London 2024: “Growing Faith and Sustaining Hope.” From the worship to the amazing keynote speakers, we learnt a multitude of interesting ideas and facts about the Church of England, schools and Multi Academy trusts. We spoke to an audience of over 600 church and school leaders. In addition, the support from everyone in the room, after we went on stage, was immensely heart-warming to have experienced. An enormous thank you to our trust chaplain, Victoria, for her loving support and exceptional encouragement and to all the teaching staff that accompanied us for giving us this amazing opportunity.

Ottavia, Faith Captain

“We are young, we are Christian and we thank you for giving us a voice.”

12 Days of Joy

As part of our Christmas preparations, our student leaders decided to count down to the end of term with our 12 days of joy. The whole school was looking at ‘Joy’ as their worship theme and the events really brought it all home. Each day saw a different initiative/ event happening in school and beyond. Different students took the lead on different days and we managed to raise money for our school charities as well as donate food and gifts to people around Nottingham. It was a great celebration of what student leadership is all about – Sparked by faith, growing hope, coming together as a family, respecting all.

Student also got in touch with BBC Radio Nottingham, to spread joy beyond the school gates! Listen to their interview below.

Church School Leaders Conference

A group of students went to a Church of England, diocesan conference to speak about some of the issues facing schools like ours. We spoke in front of a large audience of adults, passionately explaining how to resolve such issues. One such topic was how to celebrate diversity, whilst increasing inclusivity and representation. The short speeches, given by the students involved, highlighted a World Book Day initiative which saw many Year 11 students dressing in either black or white and drawing crosses and circles on their hands to represent Malorie Blackman’s book, Noughts and Crosses. The student leadership representatives at the conference also talked about Culture Day and Bluecoat Aspley’s collaboration with the charity A21, which rescues and protects victims of human trafficking. The conference as a whole was a resounding success and a great example of the impact that student leadership has made! It was great to share how we are making a difference in our communities and to hopefully inspire others to do the same.

Ayana, Hope Captain

Give for Good | Cultural Day

An amazing day organised by our student leaders! This was a vibrant celebration of our beautifully diverse family. Staff and students dressed up to celebrate culture, whilst also raising money, raising prayer and raising awareness for our school charities. The atmosphere around school was incredible.

World Book Day

For World Book Day 2022, student leadership organised a movement where years 10 and 11 students wore a plain black or white shirt to symbolise our stance against racism and discrimination in our world. We were inspired by the book ‘Noughts and Crosses’ by Malorie Blackman. In this book, she expresses how a society fuelled by hatred impacts peoples’ morality and sense of justice. In choosing to wear white or black on this day, students united against hatred and stood together in harmony.

Iram, Faith Captain

“What is right, what is morally just, cannot be kept in the shadows. There is no stronger spotlight than the truth.”

Malorie Blackman, Endgame (Book 6 of Noughts and Crosses)

A Visit from our Diocesan Director for Education, Nigel Frith

I really enjoyed meeting Nigel Frith. He had very interesting topics to talk about and he asked us some challenging questions. He was a friendly man and easy to talk to.

I felt quite proud that I was able to show someone what Bluecoat was like and I got to see things in a different way, from the perspective of a visitor. It was fun to show someone around a school that I’ve been learning in for the past 4-5 years. I really wanted to tell Nigel about our teachers who are all very different, but all amazing. I also wanted to show him the displays which have been put up all around the school as I know all of the departments have worked hard to make these.

TK, Faith Captain

Meeting Nigel Frith gave us the opportunity to give thanks for Bluecoat Aspley Academy. What I would say I enjoyed most, was probably learning about his job. He gave us an insight into what his job is actually like. Welcoming someone like Nigel into our school was a little intimidating to begin with, but he made me and the student leadership team feel able to communicate with him and get our points across. Showing Nigel around the school was great! I think he was quite impressed and shocked with how big it was, especially the Drama Studio! We were walking around school meeting some of our teachers and Nigel said “this place has one of these auras..” I understood what Nigel meant. Bluecoat Aspley feels like a family which we talked to him about and which he hopefully felt throughout his visit.

Sulayman, Respect Captain

Lots of Valentine’s LOVE at Bluecoat Aspley

Our students worked with a local florist to sell 180 individual pink roses to both staff and students. #Pinkforfriendship

They learnt how to wrap these, attaching messages of love and then they worked together to distribute these to lots of happy recipients on the last day of the half term!

As well as the joy this generated in school, student leaders also raised £218.61 for our school charities, ‘Safer Families’ and ‘A21’.

A big thank you to all who supported this initiative.

A message to teachers:

Thank you to all teachers who pushed this initiative with short notice and bought roses. It really means a lot. We’ve raised a good bit of money for charity and it makes me really happy that people are willing to donate after the year we’ve all had. I think a lot of happiness will be spread handing out these roses. There have been some interesting messages sent between staff that have made us all laugh! So, once again, thank you!

Em, Family Captain

Contact Us

Bluecoat Aspley Academy
Aspley Lane

Tel: 0115 929 7445

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Bluecoat Aspley Academy