
Bluecoat Aspley Academy Curriculum Intent Statement for Sociology

As a Church of England Academy, we want all students in our Bluecoat Aspley family to come to understand and value the centrality of faith in our world. It is our hope that through the study of Sociology, all students can better understand the structures and institutions in society, as well as reflecting on their own beliefs on important issues such as gender and race inequality today. Our curriculum is knowledge rich, as it is important that we learn about different sociological theories and how they explain different structures and institutions in society- such as the education system, the welfare state and the police. When studying the module on Beliefs in Society, students will consider the significance of Christian and non-Christian faiths in the contemporary world. Sociology lessons will involve discussion- students will be provided with regular opportunities to consider the strengths and weaknesses of theories that they are presented with.  We aim to develop the evaluative skills of our students- they should view all theories with a critical eye and ask questions about how these theories fit in with our understanding of the real world. We also believe that it’s important for students to understand that there are many factors that contribute to the inequalities that exist in society between people of different genders, race and social class and the impact of these inequalities on educational achievement and crime.   

Through gaining this knowledge, we are able to promote respect and understanding for all members of society whilst also allowing students to understand how processes of socialisation may have affected their own beliefs and their ideas of what behaviours are considered ‘normal’. As well as this, our intent for all students is that they are able to develop their skills of evaluation through encouraging them to formulate arguments in an academic and well developed way. These discussions are key for our multi-cultural, ethnically diverse society to function in a way that leads to harmony, peace and mutual respect.  

Expand each Key Stage to access the Curriculum Map and see an overview of what is covered in this subject:

At KS4 in sociology pupils have 3 hours a week in year 10 and 2 hours a week in year 11. We follow the AQA Specification. 

KS4 Curriculum Map

At KS5 in sociology pupils have 5 hours a week. We follow the AQA Specification . 

KS5 Curriculum Map

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Bluecoat Aspley Academy
Aspley Lane

Tel: 0115 929 7445

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