We promote literacy with a range of events throughout our Academy calendar.
From big events like Roald Dahl Day and World Book Day, to author visits and competitions, we offer students opportunities to meet with experts, have new literacy experiences and celebate their skills.
Welcome Year 7!
We hope that you will enjoy reading Smart, by Kim Slater in your Reading for Pleasure lessons.
This great mystery book is set in Nottingham, maybe you even recognise some of the locations mentioned.
Year 7 Summer Literacy Challenge
If you completed your summer literacy challenge work, do share it with us.
We’d love to see your work.
Year 7 & 8 – Reading for Pleasure
For each of your subjects, your teachers have recommended a wider reading for pleasure book. These are available in the library for you to borrow so you can enjoy learning about your subject in a different way. If you find it difficult to get into a story, some of our staff have recorded the first chapter of these books for you to listen to. The titles and links can be found on the Prepare Grids.
How many can you read?